The Madrean Sky Islands of Arizona, Sonora, Chihuahua, and New Mexico (Map) are a set of around 63 mountain ranges rising out of lowland valleys. They are known for their diversity of life and life zones. This archipelago covers territory around the north and west of the Sierra Madre Occidental and south of the Rocky Mountain province and Colorado Plateau. They also bridge the divide between tropical and temperate climate zones and between the Chihuahuan and Sonoran deserts (Map of the major vegetation communities influencing the Madrean Sky Island region). See this definitive paper on the Madrean Sky Islands. We have posted a list of Sky Islands with peak elevations and notes. Below you can click on a Sky Island to get more info about that Sky Island or click on the related content link to see what content (articles, papers, galleries, etc.) has been posted on Wild Sonora about each Sky Island.

2,597 meters
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2,357 meters
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2,974 meters
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2,885 meters
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2,392 meters
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3,267 meters
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2,881 meters
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2,194 meters
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2,190 meters
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2,630 meters
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1,650 meters
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2,440 meters
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1,550 meters
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2,280 meters
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2,520 meters
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1,957 meters
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2,350 meters
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