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Groups and resources in the region
- Madrean Discovery Expeditions
This virtual flora and fauna was created to serve as a gateway for the environmental research community, as well as the general public, to access and contribute to a growing collection of specimen records and observations. This database covers the same region as the Wild Sonora website.
- Western Watershed Project
To protect and restore western watersheds and wildlife through education, public policy initiatives and litigation.
- Center for Biological Diversity
Locally-based organization dedicated to conservation and protecting biological diversity.
- Sky Island Alliance
Environmental organization focused in the Sky Island region.
- AZ Firescape
Great description of our vegetation communities, and other info about our region, specifically related wildfire.
- Rainwater Harvesting
Support healthy native landscapes, save water, lead a more sustainable life to support a healthy region.
- Watershed Management Group
Want to live more in harmony with your Sonoran environment? This is your group.
- Mt. Graham Coalition
Fighting cultural desecration and environmental destruction on Southern Arizona's tallest Sky Island.
- Northern Jaguar Project
Working to protect remaining Jaguars and important wildlands in eastern Sonora.
- Naturalia
Mexican based environmental NGO.
- Fronteras Desk - KJZZ news
Great place to get news from Sonora
- Peace Supplies
Local alternative printed supplies and service... feral press.
- Sierra Madre Alliance
Fighting logging in the Sierra Madre, as well as the simultaneous eradication of traditional Tarahumara (Rarámuri) culture.
- N-Gen
Next Generation of Sonoran Desert Researchers (N-Gen) represents a renewed effort to create a multinational community of investigators across disciplines. N-Gen is about our collective work and implementing the ideas we generate together.
- SierraRios
Info on rivers, river running, and river conservation in Mexico and worldwide. Website with info, pictures, and stories from some of the wildest rivers in the world.
- Go Light Outdoors
Want to explore northwest Mexico by river... connect up with these experienced river runners to explore amazing wild rivers and canyons.
- Public lands fee program
More insidious than you think, you should learn more.
- Sky Jacobs
Photography and biocentrism in the southwest, creator of Wild Sonora.
- Aaron Flesch
Natural history and science of Sonoran birds and much more.
- Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
A good resource for information about the region.
- Cornell Lab - Macaulay Library
Amazingly complete catalog of species audio recordings.
- Stream Dynamics
Restoring streams in the region through on-the-ground restoration techniques.
- Tutuaca Mountain School
Nonprofit on the Rio Tutuaca dedicated to conservation and sustainabilty offering educational programs and involved in restoration efforts.
- Southeastern Arizona Wildflowers (Firefly Forest)
Great resource for identifying flowers of the region.
- Density gradient maps of native vascular plants (way cooler than it sounds!).
Maps by family, genus, and a host of other criteria (by county). The biota of North America program.
- Public Lands ranching is the Waste of the West
Book detailing the severe, extensive, and often overlooked abuse of the West's public lands.
- Desert Food Plants and More - The Works of Richard Stephen Felger
Website with many regionally important works - focused on flora and ethnobotany