Highest Point

2520 meters

Sierra San Luis

The Sierra San Luis is the last official northward effort of the Sierra Madre Occidental. They are overlaid by the Chihuahua/Sonora border and peter out just before the U.S. Border.

As part of a complex with the Sierra Pan Duro, they form a horseshoe around a tributary of the Rio Bavispe called the Cajon Bonito, which is considered one of the more intact riparian ecosystems in the region. The high country of the Pan Duro/San Luis complex is made up of several named high elevation areas on Inegi maps. 

Habitat and Conservation Status of the Beaver in the Sierra San Luis Sonora, México

The status of beaver (Castor canadensis) in northeastern Sonora, Mexico, is uncertain. We surveyed the Cajon Bonito River to assess the beaver’s status and habitat and found five colonies. Limiting factors appear to be pollution due to animal waste, deforestation of riparian trees, and human exploitation. Beavers did not appear to require habitat diversity as much as dense riparian and aquatic vegetation in waters with low organic content. These kinds of studies are imperative to understanding the natural history and ecology of the species in this unique region.

Four of 5 wolves released in Mexico killed

All but 1 of the 5 Mexican Gray Wolves released in Sonora in October of 2011 have been poisoned to death by warfarin, which is commonly used by ranchers and others to kill mammals. The wolves were found dead in Nov. and Dec. of 2011. Although uncertain, there is a good likelyhood that this is a targeted killing of the wolves. It takes high levels of warfarin to kill large mammals.

One of the wolves is alive and doing well. Mexican officials have said they will continue with the program although no details on further releases have been given.