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The Municipality of Huatabampo is located along the coast of the Gulf of California in southern Sonora, Mexico. The vegetation is coastal thornscrub, the more xeric version of tropical deciduous forest. In 1890, Edward Palmer collected plants at… See more
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This magnificent flora of the Sonoran Desert’s southern edge represents decades of meticulous work and the genius of Richard Felger (1934–2020) and his colleagues at their best. It is many things at once. A project of passion that was sparked by a… See more
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Imagine that you are driving or biking into any one of a dozen small rural communities on either side of the US/Mexico border in the year 2040. You notice a beautiful building that appears as though it were made of locally sourced materials,… See more
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The Mammals of Rancho El Aribabi fills an important gap in the detailed knowledge of the diversity and abundance of the mammals in the Sky Island region of the U.S. and Mexico borderlands. The multiyear camera trapping effort captures a thorough… See more
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In island systems, nitrogen-rich seabird guano is a marine subsidy that can shape terrestrial plant communities. In zones of nutrient upwelling such as the Gulf of California, copious seabird guano is commonplace on bird islands. Several bird… See more
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Since 1979, observations of monarch butter y (Danaus plexippus L.) in Sonora, Mexico have been low. There are 10 records of monarchs breeding in Sonora on Asclepias curassavica, A. lemmonii, A. linaria, and A. subulata (Apocynaceae). In July-August… See more
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The New World tropics reaches its northern limit in Sonora, not as often stated at the Tropic of Cancer (23.37°N) just north of Mazatlán, Sinaloa. The northernmost tropical deciduous forest (TDF) is in Sonora (28.6˚N), 680 kilometers north-northwest… See more
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The relationship between people and wildfire has always been paradoxical: fire is an essential ecological process and management tool, but can also be detrimental to life and property. Consequently, fire regimes have been modified throughout history… See more
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We used data from eight years of camera trapping at Rancho El Aribabi, a cattle ranch and conservation property in northern Sonora, Mexico, to examine the ecology of the northern-most known breeding population of ocelots (Leopardus pardalis).… See more
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RESUMEN Vivimos en el Antropoceno. La superficie completa de la tierra ha sido impactada por la actividad humana y nuestro uso del suelo. En este con- texto, la mayoría de los pastizales en zonas áridas y semiáridas tienen procesos de… See more
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Sonora has a rich natural diversity, including reptiles and amphibians. Sonora’s location on the United States-Mexico border creates some unique conservation challenges for its wildlife. We compiled a list of the amphibian and reptile species… See more
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The Sierra Madre Occidental (SMO) extends from northeastern Sonora and northwestern Chihuahua south through western Mexico to the Transverse Volcanic Axis in the state of Guanajuato, which forms a montane bridge to the Sierra Madre del Sur to the… See more
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