Population Status Of Jaguars (Panthera Onca) And Pumas (Puma Concolor) In Northeastern Sonora, Mexico, Rosas and Bender

Jaguars are endangered in Mexico and the United States, necessitating careful monitor- ing of population status. We determined minimum numbers of jaguars and sympatric pumas in a small population in northern Sonora, Mexico, the nearest known breeding population to the United States, by photographic captures supplemented by idiosyncratic features of tracks from track surveys (1999-2005). We also developed a discriminant function to differentiate species (jaguar v. puma) and sexes within species, which also aided in individual identification.

5 Videos from Macho B Capture - AZ Game and Fish

Macho B, Arizona's only known long-term resident Jaguar in decades, was killed by Arizona Game and Fish after being captured and radio collared. After Game and Fish realized that something was wrong, Macho B was recaptured and euthanized. After an initial attempt to claim that the capture had nothing to do with Macho B's sudden bad health, it became clear that the stress of capture along with strong tranquilizers caused his subsequent death. Some believe that the euthanasia may not even have been necessary.