Trip Report - Sierra El Tigre, Sonora, Mexico

The goal in traveling to the Sierra El Tigre - one of the most extensive of the sky islands - was to complete a basic bio-geographical assessment of the area, listing species of flora and fauna present in the Sierra El Tigre and especially “Fracción Número III Sierra El Tigre” property of Francisco Tarazón, located within the limits of the Ajos-Bavispe Reserve. We also sought to determine the extent of past and present human disturbance and impact as well as the extent of wilderness character in the range.

Birds of Pine-Oak Woodland in Southern Arizona and Adjacent Mexico Joe Marshall, 1957

Woodland of mixed pines and oaks is familiar mountain scenery in Mexico, whence it extends into southeastern Arizona along with many kinds of Mexican birds. This woodland occupies a belt from about 5500 to 6500 feet in elevation between encinal (oak woodland) below and ponderosa pine forest above. It combines tree forms of both these zones so as to make a smooth transition between them. The present report com- pares the numbers of each species of breeding bird in a series of stations, within pine-oak woodland, which were visited in the summers of 1951, 1952, and 1953.