Pine/Oak Woodland
Wildfire in the Sierra Madre of Sonora
This wildfire was likely human caused and was burning in pine and oak forest primarily in the understory.
The Biogeography of the Herpetofauna of the Pine-Oak Woodlands of the Sierra Madre Occidental of Mexico
The pine-oak woodlands of the Sierra Madre Occidental of Mexico extend for about 1100 km from the northern end ofthe Sonoran-Chihuahuan border southward to the region ofthe common borders of Zacatecas, Nayarit, and Jalisco. On the eastern side of the sierra the pine-oak woodlands grade into mesquite-grassland on the Mexican Plateau in the foothills. The steep escarpment on the west and its deep barrancas allow for complex interdigitation of the pine-oak woodland vegetation and the tropical deciduous forests in the lowlands.
Annual variation in reproductive activity and productivity of the Thick-billed Parrot (Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha)
We studied annual variation in reproductive activity and productivity of the Thick-billed Parrot (Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha) during a five year period (1997-2001), in five nesting areas at the Sierra Madre Occidental in Mexico. Two breeding areas continue to be the breeding strongholds for the species. We documented 491 nesting pairs and determined the outcome of 162 accessible nests. A nesting pair laid in average 2.7 eggs, and produced 1.6 fledlings per egg-laying pair.
Sierra El Pinito, Sonora
Bird survey trip by Aaron Flesch and crew. Most of the mountain range burned in a fire in 2011, but there is very little damage due to the fact this range seems to burn every few years.
Sierra Púrica
Photos from the Sierra Púrica in Sonora.