Preliminary Flora of Ojo de Agua Tonibabi, Sierra La Madera, Sonora, Mexico

Date Published or Written


Melissa Valenzuela-Yánez, Gertrudis Yanes-Arvayo, Maria de la Paz Montañez-Armenta, Hugo Silva-Kurumiya, Thomas Van Devender
Vegetation Community


Ejido Tonibabi is located 12 kilometers east-northeast of Moctezuma in east-central Sonora, México (29°50’16’’N 109°33’45’’W, 780 m elevation). The vegetation is riparian in the wetlands and foothills thornscrub on slopes. The flora was inventoried on transects in different areas in Ejido Tonibabi. Specimens were collected to identify by comparing with specimens in the University of Arizona and Universidad de Sonora Herbaria and for voucher specimens. A total of 162 species in 125 genera and 47 families were documented in the area. The families with the most species were Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Euphorbiaceae, Convolvulaceae, Poaceae and Cactaceae, which contain 53.1% of the flora. The most important life form was annual herbs (47 taxa), followed by perennial herbs (40 taxa), trees (21 taxa), shrubs (15 taxa), succulents (10 taxa), grasses (9 taxa), subshrubs (9 taxa), vines (8 taxa) and aquatic herbs (3 taxa). The Tonibabi flora contains 4.4% of the state flora.